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Filter Press Machine Operation Method

2015-02-25 10:59:30

1. Where the installation of plastic filter at the outlet
2. Use the first turn before the exhaust valve
3. Close the outlet where the power switch and then start the motor starts running, the gas and the liquid discharged through the dosing tank.
4. Open the loop after adding valve, and then open the dosing valve, so that liquid in the dosing tank filter aid powder to produce a fixed level, cycle 3 minutes before adding the active carbon powder recycle 3 minutes, then did the same liquid discharge active carbon powder can be discharged
5. Using the test port valve, direct sampling inspection liquid cleanliness and filter effects
6. Open the export Where then, shut tight loop valve, exhaust valve and then shut tight, look after dosing tank a little and then close all remaining liquid dosing valve, complete dosing process of the filter so that the normal filtering.

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