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Peristaltic pump for slurry transfer

2017-01-17 11:50:16

Peristaltic pump works, the rotor body rotation, the rotor on the body of a pair of pressure roller along a special hose rotation, squeeze the pressure roller and pump shell to squeeze the pressure hose in the tube itself elastic and side guide roller. Work, the rotor body rotation, the rotor on the body of a pair of pressure roller along a special hose rotation, squeeze the pressure roller and pump shell to squeeze the pressure hose in the tube itself elastic and side guide roller. The liquid is sucked out of the tube by the mechanical squeeze of the pressing roller by the vacuum suction of the liquid produced by restoring the original state.

Peristaltic pump durability depends mainly on the elasticity and corrosion resistance of the pipe, the flow rate and the motor speed and tube diameter size. The peristaltic pump is ideal for pumping slurry and adopts frequency converter to adjust the motor speed and control the flow rate. As a peristaltic pump manufacturer, Gaodetec peristaltic pump is high quality and having a competitive price and get much better feedback from customers.

hose pump for slurry

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