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Concrete spraying machine safe operating problems

2015-04-07 09:17:24

Each machine has the world's attention to safety matters when in operation, and only pay attention to these issues, in order to secure the operation of the machine, it is understood that many users in the use of concrete spraying machine and are very attention to these matters, they are responsible for their own health, and that particular attention is to think, what is it? The following concrete spraying machine manufacturers to introduce detailed questions on safe handling:
     First concrete spraying machine should be checked before working with the following requirements:
      a, view sensitive and reliable safety valve.
      b, see the power line without cracking phenomenon, reliable connection.
      c, see the gauge pointer between the upper and lower limits, according to the transport distance, adjust the upper pressure limit.
      Second, should be connected before the start of ventilation, water, electricity, and gradually open the intake valve reaches the rated pressure, then the starter motor no-load operation, make sure everything is normal, before feeding operations, see the pipeline should be properly installed, the connection should be tight solid seal. When the pipe through the road, should be set in place to protect the tank and stamped.
      Third, the concrete work to stand in front of the nozzle is prohibited, the operator should always stand within the jet had been supporting the concrete surface, if the job, when the pause longer than 1h, the warehouse should be dry and conveying tube mix All material ejected, stop when you should stop feeding, and then close the motor and stop sending compressed air.
      Fourth, after the completion of the work, it should be should be within the warehouse and conveying hose dry mix all ejected, and remove the nozzle should be cleaned inside and outside the body to clear debris adhering concrete materials, and should clean up conveying pipe, and should be in a relaxed state seal.

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