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How to choose a 500 tons double acting hydraulic jack?

2019-12-03 16:31:24

Which factors we need to consider when we choose a 500 tons double acting hydraulic jack?
In addition to the three core elements, in order to adapt to certain special working conditions, we also need to consider other factors of using 500 ton hydraulic jack.
Whether 500 tons double acting jack is used for jacking or stretching. The single acting hydraulic jack can only be used as a jacking; the double action hydraulic jack can be used as a jacking operation or a stretching operation.

500 tons double acting hydraulic jack

Do you need more 500 tons double acting jack to jack up at the same time? If multiple jacks are jacked up at the same time, choose the same type of 500 tons double acting jack. Whether to use the jack as a kit. A mounting hole can be left on the 500 tons hydraulic jack base or the top piston rod.
Whether it is necessary to install a handle for 500 ton hydraulic jack is convenient to carry. Whether it is necessary to put the jack on a steel cable or iron. The hollow jack can be selected, and the piston rod can be sleeved on the steel cable. Whether an overflow hole is required to prevent the cylinder from over stroke and protect the piston from being hit.
Whether it is necessary to install a spherical saddle to prevent the piston from being biased when lifting the heavy object, and to protect the cylinder and the piston rod from damage. Whether you need long-term load support, you can choose a self-locking jack.

500 tons hydraulic jack

Whether there is demand for working conditions such as corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance and wear resistance. You can choose the surface nickel plating, chrome plating, baking paint and other treatment methods.
When you have considered all of the above factors, the 500 tons double acting hydraulic jack you need is basically OK. Now you only need to pick up the phone in your hand, call our number, or write the collected factors on paper, fax give us, our sales staff can choose the right 500 tons double acting hydraulic jack for you.

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