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The Manufacturing method of foamed concrete

2014-08-27 19:24:09

First, put the mixture of water and air bubble agent (plant-based drugs) in the foaming machine (mixer) have bubbles, and then using a blender mixing cement mortar and sand, recycle pump for construction.Although simple construction method, it is important to mix method and proportion.As the main performance of heat insulation with light body bubble concrete compression strength and thermal conductivity depends on the specific gravity and density, maximum forming factor of specific gravity and density is the amount of cement.General form 1 m3 (1000 litres) of volumetric light body bubble concrete need 6 ~ 8 bags of cement (300-400 kg), mixed water about 200 litres, bubbles in 600 ~ 700 litres.After crushing light body bubble concrete, we can found that 75% of the volume is made up of bubble formation.

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