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The Applications of Foam Concrete (Part One)

2014-09-20 10:17:35

 Many countries especially in Occident and Asian make full of the excellent property of foam concrete and expand its application in construction engineering field unceasingly with improving project quality. Now, allow me to make a brief introduction of its application to you.

1、Retaining Wall
It is mainly used in port dike. Foam concrete used as a lightweight backfill materials on wall reduce vertical load, also reduced the other side of the wall of the lateral load. This is because the foam concrete is a kind of rigid body with good bonding properties. It is not impose the lateral pressure along the other side of the wall. As the settling lower, maintenance costs reduce much, saving lots of spending.
Foam concrete can be used to improve the stability of embankment slope to replace part of the soil slope. Due to the weight reduced, the acting force on side slope is reduced. The density of foam concrete used to reduce the lateral pressure is 400-600 kg/m³.

2、Building Stadiums and Tracks for Runway
We use lightweight foam concrete as base, and then put on some gravel or artificial grass used for playground. The density of foam concrete is 800-900 kg/m³. Such playground can be used for hockey, soccer and tennis activities. If we coat 0.05 m thick layer of porous asphalt layer and plastic layer on the foam concrete that will be a track and field runways.

3、Sandwich Structures
At the time of precast reinforced concrete component, we can use foam concrete as inner core. This component is lightweight and has a good performance on heat insulation. Usually the density of foam concrete is 400-600 kg/m³.

4、Used as a Composite Wallboard
Foam concrete can be used to make various lightweight boards. In the frame structure, it is used as heat insulation filling wall or composite wallboard with thin steel plate. The density of foam concrete is usually 600kg/m³.

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