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Slurry pump for pumping fishpond mud

2021-11-06 17:29:14

Thinking of the dredging work of ponds, it is usually more motorized, because there is a lot of water and some mud in it, and it is more motorized to clean up. At this time, our BW series of small slurry pump for pumping fishpond mud can be used. The mud pump can quickly discharge the sludge at the bottom of the pool.

slurry pump for pumping fishpond mud

slurry pump for pumping fishpond mud is electric and suitable for use in your own pond. If you need to use it outdoors, we recommend you to use our diesel machine. It is more convenient and not restricted by other conditions. Since the mud is a non-aqueous substance, it is easy to block the mud pump, so after using our machine, please clean it before storing it to avoid the rapid aging of the price machine or affect the service life of the machine.

slurry pump for pumping mud can not only pump the silt in the fish pond, but also add oxygen to the fish pond. We all know that there is no oxygen in fish ponds, which will lead to poor survival of fish. If you need to drill a well near the fish pond, you can also cool the rotor and extract the sludge from the well.

slurry pump for pumping mud

slurry pump is mainly used for site slurry pumping, it has a continuous, stable pressure, can ensure the policy use of the project. We have 8 years of manufacturing and sales experience and can provide you with a suitable slurry pump for pumping mud.

Our  slurry pump for pumping fishpond mud can also be used for many other projects. If you need a specific model. Please tell us the pressure and flow you need, and the engineering. We will recommend a suitable machine to you, if you have any other questions, please contact us by email:

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